It had been claimed that Chewie’s tail was ‘accidentally’ torn off after it became caught in an air duct, later thought to have happened during a daring escape from the grim lab
Chewie’s tail was ripped off by ‘accident,’ it was claimed (Image: Peta)
A grim monkey testing lab is hidden in the University of Massachusetts. After a long, long battle between its bosses and PETA, it has FINALLY been shut down . . . for now.
The Lecreuse Lab in Wisconsin has been the source of anger to many for decades.
According to the animal welfare charity, a marmoset called Chewie was one of many kept in a cage for the purposes of experiments to be undertaken on them.
They claim that its tail was “accidentally” torn off after it became caught in an air duct, it was found with “sustained bruising” it its mouth, and was in generally horrific condition.
PETA claims monkeys were kept in horrific conditions (Image: YouTube)
PETA also claims that electrodes were screwed into the monkey’s skulls, cuts were made in their necks and they were “deprived” of water while being restrained for “hours”. The lab states that it does this to study menopause . . . something marmosets don’t normally go through.
Shockingly, PETA states: “To simulate menopause, she cuts out their ovaries and uses hand warmers on their bodies to mimic hot flashes.
“The school’s long history of federal animal welfare violations also includes an instance in which a marmoset was severely burned with hand warmers as he was recovering from surgery—leading to his death—and another in which experimenters failed to give necessary pain relief to several hundred mice who had just undergone surgery.”

The university bosses always denied the claims, however (Image: YouTube)
There are also local reports claiming that Chewie tried to escape – which is how its tail got cut off.
Despite this, Lacreuse officials often hit back, claiming that monkeys were house “with a mate” in giant cages, given hammocks, nest boxes, food and water – as well as branches for climbing – and that they are not put into any “pain” when going through procedures.
However, in a welcome update for animal rights campaigners this week, the University of Wisconsin-Madison laboratory (to give it its full name) was told to end its experiments, although bosses claim that the “first phase of research” had ended and no more funding would be given.
The lab has now been shut down (Image: Getty Images/iStockphoto)
And despite PETA taking credit for it, a spokesman said: “PETA, a group that opposes any research with animals, no matter the circumstances, has suggested they pressured someone into ending the study. In truth, the planned time for the study simply ran its course, and Alzheimer’s researchers will determine the next steps based on what they’ve learned.”
Chewie’s fate, however, is unknown.