People offered a free bite at a stall in Bristol city centre were left in horror when they were told it was dog meat and items included ‘lab steaks’ and ‘pug bacon’
Shoppers were left horrified when they were told the ‘free samples’ they were being offered at a stall in Bristol was dog meat.
The stall, claiming to be Elwood’s Organic Dog Meat butchers, popped up outside the former Barclays in Broadmead. Bold posters touted ‘delicious dog, since 1981,’ advertising ‘local and loved’ dog meat, allegedly killed in a humane fashion.
by Taboola
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There were free dog meat samples that were given descriptions like ‘lab steaks’, ‘pug bacon’, and even ‘corgi legs’, complete with a grotesque price list. The so-called butchers donned aprons as they attempted to give an authentic look to their stall.
The stall was a stunt by vegan activists ( Image: Animal Justice Emergency)
It was even claimed that there was chocolate milk derived from chocolate labradors. But for any concerned readers, the display was just a stunt by vegan activists. The event put on by vegan activists Animal Justice Emergency, from Bristol, appeared to have the desired effect as people arriving for free bites recoiled in revulsion upon learning about the canine cuisine. Luckily, it turned out the ‘meat’ was actually tofu.
The audacious act was filmed, creating a buzz online via a video posted by Animal Justice Emergency. In it, a pretend butcher challenges people who declined the dog delicacies, asking: “What is the difference for you between a cow, a pig and a dog? “, reported Bristol Live.
The stall even displayed diagrams showing different cuts of meat from cows and pigs that are common in traditional butchers, but this time with the cuts of meat from a small dog. The presence of the stall sparked heated discussions among people who were upset that they were apparently attempting to give away and sell dog meat.
One irate man argued that dogs couldn’t be farmed for their meat as they were domesticated, and demanded to know from one of the butchers: ”Tell me how you slaughter a dog’. The Animal Justice Emergency group stated they wanted to challenge perceptions among people about their own meat-eating habits. They said the group ‘provides context, analysis and ideas to empower animal activists to create peace and justice for all beings’.