WARNING: Unless you are caught up to season six of The Walking Dead, there are spoilers lurking in this list, so beware.
When you love a show so much, you want it to be the best and you tend to have a lot of opinions. When it comes to The Walking Dead, the showrunners have a lot of fan expectations and attention. No matter what they do, someone somewhere will always be yelling at their TV. It’s hard to please such an intense fan base. Opinions vary wildly, but there are some things about The Walking Dead episodes that consistently annoy fans.
The list of annoying things on The Walking Dead isn’t long but there are those things that come up again and again within the fandom. Some are questions likewho’s been mowing the grass during the apocalypse? How can guns shoot so many rounds without reloading? How long does a giant can of chocolate pudding last before it goes bad? Why don’t the characters simply cover themselves in walker goo and go anywhere they want?
This list looks at those questions, as well as some more story and character-based Walking Dead annoyances that are also commonly discussed. None of these are Rick Grimes beard level, but they do come up often enough to warrant mentioning. Vote up the most annoying things about The Walking Dead. It doesn’t mean you don’t love the show, it means you love it enough to care!
Still, if you need a break, feel free to check out other shows like The Walking Dead too – there are plenty!
Dawn Lerner and the Hospital Felt Like Wasted Time
The Walking Dead/AMC
Why would a bunch of cops take the time to set up an entire operation requiring them to wear their uniforms and follow the chain of command in a practically empty city? They lived this long, why not go find a safer sanctuary or at least have casual Fridays.
Source: IGN
The Camouflage Trick Is Useless If You Talk, Sam
The Walking Dead/AMC
The group found the walker guts poncho handy during season one. Michonne used it in the form of her two pet walkers on chains. Carol used it to blow up Terminus. So the group teaches the Alexandrians that this is the best way to get out of a tight spot when the walls collapse after a mega herd crashes in. Problem? Sam. If you get all in your head and start crying, things fall apart. Bye, Sam. Bye, Jessie. Bye, Ron. Bye, Carl’s eye.
Slow Moving Character Development
The Walking Dead/AMC
Everyone probably has your own list but there are some standouts. The Governor, for example. He was a terrific baddie for a while, but then, dude, just go away. Why did you get that weird little section of backstory before you boomeranged back to the prison? The comics have plenty of bad guys to offer up as future villains, so move along.
Lori was around way too long for many fans. Dale, although a very nice guy, was turning into a harpy before he met his fate. Andrea had an arc and then hung out long after it was over. Father Gabriel asked for redemption and then turned into a snitch. What?! Peace out, padre. Then there’s Grady Hospital’s own resident cop Dawn Lerner.
And the way that the group treats Eugene like a child. He’s a smart guy. He knows about sorghum and how to make bullets, but having him bumble around for so long was painful to watch. Josh McDermitt can offer so much more.
Sources WhatCulture, Cinemablend
The Alexandrians
The Walking Dead/AMC
These people live like they had a Stephen King dome dropped on top of them, only their dome was designed by Pottery Barn. These characters are clearly meant to be sheltered in contrast to battle-hardened soldiers like Rick and the gang but man, the Alexandrians are just obnoxious. Between their cocktail parties, requests for pasta makers, general recklessness, and total lack of knowledge of the living hell beyond their walls, these folks are tough to live with.
Daryl knows what was up though. Rednecks never trust people who wear that much khaki. And Carol? She became Scarol and pretended to be a nice sweater-wearing homemaker, but we all know that by season six, she’s really more Clint Eastwood in High Plains Drifter.
UPDATE: The Alexandrians who survived (RIP Deanna, her husband and her jerk son, Jessie and her entire family), learned how to fight back. However, it seems like every week, Rick and company find a reason to abandon the place, leaving it vulnerable to new and improved threats. Oy.
The Walking Dead/AMC
The Varying Strengths of the Walkers
The Walking Dead/AMC
This one meme says it all. Depending on what the writers need to pull off, the undead seem to have various killing settings. Sometime they can knock down a fence. Other times they can’t get out of a barn or knock out a window. Sure, the zombies are slowing down because they are decomposing, but we’re talking about the varying speeds within the same region and episode. Maybe some walkers just ate someone and have that extra boost of energy. Or it’s a matter of numbers and teamwork. Or some walkers worked out a lot in their pre-dead life. One way or another, it can take you right out of suspenseful moments.
Source: reddit
Father Gabriel Mans Up, Now at the Mercy of Bad Group Decisions
First of all, our weary survivors have had their fair share of grappling with faith but Father Gabriel is the worst. He abandoned his flock, holed up in the church, and let them turn into walkers. After Rick and the gang save him – multiple times! – all Father Gabriel can do is scratch at the blood on the floor and whine about desecrating a holy place. Then he turns on them after the group gets his sorry butt to Alexandria. Can’t wait to see this character turn and get a head shot from Daryl or become a walker buffet. Byeee, Felicia.
By the way: Seth Gilliam is a fine actor and he’s been nothing but entertaining on The Wire, Teen Wolf, Law & Order, and The Good Wife. How much Father Gabriel annoys is actually a testament to how well Gilliam does his job, but it doesn’t mean that Gabe should stick around even a second longer than he has to.
UPDATE: by the end of season six, Father Gabriel had stepped up. He’s fine with doing what he has to to protect Alexandria and Judith. But, if Rick and the gang keep leaving and getting captured, he might be the last man standing.
Source: Cinemablend
The Southern Accents Are All Over the Place
The Walking Dead/AMC
If you’re not from the South, this one might not matter so much to you. But there are a wide range of Southern and “Southern” accents happening on the show. Andrew Lincoln’s accent has improved but the Brit’s pronunciation of Carl’s name in earlier seasons have marked him forever with Cooooruuul/Coral/Caaaaaahhhhwwwwrulll memes. Jon Bernthal’s accent faded in and out like a bad radio signal.
Lauren Cohan was born in Philadelpha, raised in New Jersey, then moved to the UK when she was still young. Her accent has fluctuated over the seasons, but has smoothed out. Emily Kinney had the same struggle with her accent.
The whole Greene family did not speak with the same regional accents as each actor picked a different dialect. They should have followed Scott Wilson’s lead. He was born and raised in Atlanta. That’s a Southern accent.
As Daryl, Norman Reedus follows the lilt of Alabama-born Michael Rooker, who played his on-screen brother Merle. Also, Reedus is from Florida, so he’s legit.
Source: Previously TV
All Talk and No Action
The Walking Dead/AMC
The season six finale is a great example of a lot of hype and then… crickets. Fans were promised the screen debut of the comic book villain Negan. Cast and producers repeatedly said that the entire season would be explosive and would end in a big shock with the dead of one of the main characters. The barbed-wire bat-weilding bad guy showed up in the last 15 minutes of the 90-minute finale with no clear idea who got Lucilled to death. Very frustrating for TWD fans.
Richonne Happened but Was It a Good Thing for Rick?
The Walking Dead/AMC
SPOILER: As of season six, episode 10, there’s no longer any need for fans to complain about this particular ‘ship (or lack thereof).
It happened and it was one of Rick’s better decisions. And then it seemed like a distraction for Rick, especially when things got super real at the end of season six.
How DID Rick Survive That Coma?
The Walking Dead/AMC
The reason it’s coming up again is because of Fear the Walking Dead’s timeline. The spin-off’s showrunner Dave Erickson says,” “By the end of season 1, we definitely know the world has changed, but we’re not at the same place where Rick woke up. There’s still a window of time, we’ll have some real estate left. Rick’s coma was about 4 to 5 weeks. If you track our story, we probably go three weeks over the course of our first season.”
Some fans figured out that Rick was supposed to be in a coma for 45 (some say 60) days without food or water. Either way, how is Rick not not dead or half dead or a walker seeing as how a person can go about a week without water?
One of the theories that accounts for Rick’s survival is that the hospital was overrun pretty quickly and just as quickly was cleaned out by the military so maybe Rick was only lying there for a couple of days or even less. Whatever the explanation, it’s the kind of nagging question that can drive viewers mad.
Sources: Hitflix
Walker Dress Code: No Suits, No Shorts, No Short Skirts
The Walking Dead/AMC
Why aren’t there any walkers in suits? Or walkers in high skirts? Or even shorts? There’s an answer to all of those, and it’s simple: Time.
It takes a long time to make a bunch of people look like the undead, and every inch of visible skin makes it take even longer. Of course walker creator and overlord Greg Nicotero would roll his eyes because he and wardrobe don’t need any more things to do on the show. Yes, it takes hours for the walkers to get into makeup, but it’s still funny that this seems to be an apocalypse of people who look like they’re going to a Grateful Dead concert back in the day or an organic food expo. There are a few scrubs and lab coats now and again, and that’s always appreciated.