“Love & Death” is a true crime-inspired series about a housewife who kills her neighbor. However, some of Olsen’s most vocal fans believe that her treatment at the hands of the Golden Globes’ governing body is an insult to the hard work she put into bringing the complicated tale of Candy Montgomery to life. “Is it fair to say that Elizabeth Olsen is underrated now?” @SpartanOutlaw wrote. “It’s disgusting how there’s a serious lack of recognition for her now. Sorry For Your Loss: Robbed. WandaVision: Robbed. And now Love and Death. What more can she do at this point?”
This view was echoed by many other fans on social media, albeit with varying degrees of anger and disappointment. With that in mind, let’s examine some of the more unfiltered reactions to Olsen missing out on another Golden Globes trophy.Some fans believe there’s a conspiracy against Elizabeth Olsen
Olsen’s performance on “Love & Death” is arguably another impressive turn that didn’t receive the plaudits it deserves at the Golden Globes. Some of her fans believe she should have won an award long ago, and this snub is part of a bigger issue. Twitter user @cavilldelrey stated that the ceremony’s decision-makers might have a problem with the actress, writing, “They really hate Elizabeth Olsen cause omg she was robbed.”
Some viewers believe Olsen received more than a mere snub for a limited series elsewhere. According to @unknownnjuice, the actress was also ignored on the red carpets and during the ceremony, as evidenced by her lack of presence on the show’s various platforms. The social media user noted that other celebrities in attendance were given ample attention on-camera, but Olsen was barely featured.