actress has also shared before that she would love to be back as Wanda in an ‘X-Men’ project. “If we’re bringing X-Men back, I’ll wanna be there!”
Elizabeth Olsen is definitely one of the most popular character in The Marvel Cinematic Universe, after her fan-favorite performance in the Disney Plus series ‘WandaVision’ and in the film ‘Dr. Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.’ And because fans are obsessed with Wanda’s involvement in the MCU and Elizabeth’s perspective about her character, the actress decided to answer some questions during her recent interview with Good Morning America.
The 33-year-old star, who recently revealed some details about her secret wedding with husband Robbie Arnett, was asked about how it felt to play the Scarlett Witch, admitting that she “will never think of her as a baddie.“
“I think she learns a lesson, but I think of her as she’s just processing big emotions,” she explained. Elizabeth was also asked about her friendship with the rest of the actors involved in the MCU and it turns out that she talks and hangs out the most with her twin brother, Quicksilver, from the 2015 film ‘Avengers: Age of Ultron,’ played by Aaron Taylor-Johnson.
The MCU is known for having a lot of projects lined up in advance, so fans are wondering about the future of Wanda in the big screen, however Elizabeth says she still doesn’t know what’s coming. “I would love to know myself,” she confessed, previously saying that no one tells her anything, “and I’m not even hiding a secret because I’m bad at that. I know nothing about my future.”
The actress has also shared before that she would love to be back as Wanda in an ‘X-Men’ project. “If we’re bringing X-Men back, I’ll wanna be there!” adding “I am very excited to talk with Kevin [Feige] about that at some point.“