UB40 co-founder Robin Campbell has given Noise11.com an update of the health of his brother Duncan Campbell, the former lead singer of UB40, who left the band in 2021 following a stroke.
Robin tells Noise11.com, “He is really well, actually. Surprisingly well. If you met him you would not even know that he had a stroke. Physically there are no signs whatever. Mentally, he doesn’t have the confidence he used to have which is why he decided that he didn’t want to perform anymore. He is remarkably well. “He is doing so well in fact that he beat me at snooker only a week ago”.
When Duncan retired, UB40 did not have to look far for a new singer. Matt Doyle of reggae band Kioko was a good friend and big fan of the band. “The audition had already taken place because they (Matt’s band Kioko) had already toured with us over many years. They did 80 shows with us over several years on the European and British tours. We knew how good he was. Also, I recorded with him in the studio on the last album ‘Bigger Baggariddim’, which was a collaboration album. We collaborated on one of the tracks with Kioko singing one of his songs over our backing track. I just remember thinking at the time how good he sounded with the band and how natural it was and how good a singer he was. I just thought if ever Duncan decided he didn’t want to tour anymore then this is the kid I’d come for. And then Duncan suffered a stroke a few months later so I immediately went to Matt and offered him the job. It scared the Bejesus out of him but he jumped at it really. It was something he really wanted to do. He has been singing our songs ever since he was a child sitting on the back seat of his dad’s car. He has grown up on our music. When we keep touring we keep thinking how good he sounds singing the old UB40 tunes”.
Robin didn’t have to sell the idea to the other members of UB40. “When I went to the other guys about Matt they said yeah right away because we knew how good he sounded already. It was a done deal,” he said.
Watch the Noise11 interview with Robin Campbell of UB40.
Australian tour dates:
Saturday 12 October
Gold Coast Convention & Exhibition Centre, Gold Coast
Sunday 13 October
Eatons Hill (Outdoor), Brisbane
Wednesday 16 October
Hordern Pavilion Sydney
Thursday 17 October
Margaret Court Arena, Melbourne
Friday 18 October
AEC Theatre, Adelaide
Sunday 20 October
Red Hill Auditorium, Perth